it's finally over and thank God we are free at last! The most
over-blown, over-hyped, over-extended movie series ever to have been
made has at long last limped(maybe a better word is stumbled) to a
close. After the debacle of Breaking Dawn Part 1, it would have taken
a miracle to make Part 2 even remotely entertaining.(Not even close)
Why? Maybe it was the creepy, computer-generated baby they used
(apparently there just wasn't a baby cute enough); maybe it was the
fact that a good 90% of the dialogue was spoken over dramatic music
(This, in my opinion was done because most of the dialogue was so
awful no one would ever want to hear it)
Stewart, as usual, gives her lip-biting, mouth-breathing, one-note
performance as Bella, trying to look fierce during the climactic fake
battle scene and managing only to look somewhat constipated.(Will
someone please get this girl out of showbiz!)
Pattinson, a much better actor, does what he can with the
excruciating lines he has to say ("We're the same temperature
now." Seriously?) Some of the other supporting roles (Rosalie,
for instance) have been so shortened they hardly have anything to
say. Except for Jacob, the wolves don't do anything but act wolfy.
And the Volturi are nowhere near as menacing as they were in "New
Moon" and "Eclipse". Jane was a truly
diabolical character, sending out excruciating pain with a baby-faced
grin. Now she's just standing around wearing too much eyeliner
looking almost as bored as we are watching her(Seriously Dakota
deserves more)
for the battle scene most everything else was downright horrid and
even that scene turned bad once we found out it was a F-A-K-E. Don't
get me wrong this “fakery” did manage to liven up a laughable
confrontation between the good guys and bad guys. However in the
words of the Comedian in the movie Watchmen “It's a joke. It's all
a freaking joke” (My spouse, bless his heart walked around all night with fists
clinched uttering “Well that was a waste of another two hours I
could have spent gouging my eyes out!” Sadly, I agree!)
now that the Volturi has run off with their tails between their legs
and everything is safe once again for the Cullens and the wolfpack
now what? Happily ever after into infinity? We do get a glimpse into
Renesmee's(Gotta admit that's an ugly name) future and of course we
see Jacob because we shouldn't forget that he imprinted on her when
she was a mere babe in the woods...can you say creepy?