Thursday, July 26, 2012

Hot Coffee, A cautionary tale

I like to consider myself somewhat of a jaded individual. Nothing surprises me anymore when it comes to the world we live in and the powers that be. (The "THEY" everyone speaks of) I, like many I'm sure, remember the notorious case where a woman sued McDonalds after being scalded by their hot coffee.(Outrageous I know) It became a national punchline and represented, to me, everything that was wrong with the contemporary legal system. (How ridiculous) After viewing Susan Saladoff's incendiary and eye-opening documentary "Hot Coffee," I realized I wasn't given all the facts. (And that's just the way "THEY" wanted it) The documentary follows 4 individuals (beginning with the infamous hot coffee incident) as they try to access the courts for restitution for the wrongs done to them. (And were they wronged in a BIG way)

Stella Liebeck, a 79 year old, sustained 3rd degree burns(wait until you see the photos)and nearly died from hot coffee that spilled on her upper legs which required numerous skin graphs! (Wow talk about the media leaving out key information) Unfortunately the jury decision for the plaintive caused a national media firestorm. The idea of the case, not the facts, were publicized as a platform for tort reform (procedural limits on the ability to file claims). "Hot Coffee incident" is industry's poster child for “frivolous” lawsuits. McDonald's was smart and kept a low profile due to the fact that they previously had over 700 burn cases involving their hot coffee. (I kid you not)
What is the point of the whole Tort reform? The whole point is to keep us, the public, from accessing the courts! (Say what?) Yes, ALL PUBLIC, no matter if frivolous or honest.

I strongly recommend "Hot Coffee" as an eye-opener for the problems of media misinformation, legislative and judicial manipulation, and citizen disenfranchisement. Watch and then wonder what else you have been lied to about (Scary stuff)

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Fifty shades of Twilight

Fifty Shades of Grey

I kept thinking to myself do I-or don't I? Well after talking to people and reading reviews I decided that I must try it! Never have I read a book that had me so interested, yet so disinterested all at the same time. Yes I am afraid that the bad reviews are accurate but nevertheless the good reviews are dead-on as well. How can that be, you ask?  Fifty Shades of Grey should be enjoyed for what it is...pure erotic fluff! As Christian Grey would say “Don't over think this.”

First let me get The "bad" out of the way....the plot – I've seen it countless times, the way it was written - nothing special(borders on a racy romance novel at times) It was repetitive - A LOT, I got so tired of the words blush, flush, gray, gasp, and spank(You almost could predict where it was going and how it was going to end) Anastasia almost reminded me of Bella from Twilight and Christian Grey a little bit like a risque Edward. I could say this story could almost be the NC 17 version of Twilight(sans the wolves and vampires). 

Now let me discuss the “good” part of the book. With the stresses of  every day life  I was quite happy to be able to pick up a book and without having to think too much just sit back and enjoy the fluff.  50 Shades is definitely not a scholarly read.(But then I never expected it to be) And for someone who rarely gets into works of fiction I thought it was entertaining enough to keep me interested to the end.

The story goes like this- clumsy, naive, bookish co-ed meets stunningly attractive rich man who is so taken with said girl that he just has to have her.(And have her he does) Mix quite a bit of stubbornness, gift giving, lip biting, gasping and lots of spanking and a story is born
Let me reiterate that Fifty Shades of Grey will not go down in history as one of the classics, but it will certainly be remembered for all the hullabaloo and supposedly steamy parts (I say supposedly because those parts weren't all that; which has me thinking “What does that say about me?”)

Do I recommend it? If you thought Twilight was a little too tame and wanted more then yes, you will enjoy Fifty Shades of Grey (Otherwise skip it, you're not missing anything)

Monday, July 9, 2012

Down on Jump Street

Ahhh how I remember watching 21 Jump Street as a young adult in the 1980's. I loved it when it was on network television. The premise: a bunch of young looking 20 something detectives pose as high school students as they attempt to curb the criminal activity that is perpetrated by high school students.

The plot of the movie is not difficult to follow. Channing Tatum and Jonah Hill are enemies in high school; with Channing Tatum being the popular high school jock(Jenko), while Jonah Hill is the socially awkward and geeky Eminem look-a-like(Schmidt). A few years after they graduate from high school, they enroll in the police academy, become friends and are so inept that they are placed in the bike unit. After a messy drug bust they are sent to 21 Jump Street to infiltrate a drug operation in a high school. I won't say more so as not to ruin it for you!

Even though I liked the TV series I was certainly glad that the movie was only loosely based on the original. (You know how movies made from TV shows turn out...can you say train wreck) Hill and Tatum are a perfect fit, a disaster waiting to happen. The chemistry between those two is authentic and fun to watch. I was pleasantly surprised as I am not a fan of Channing Tatum(Yeah I know sue me) but I am a fan of Jonah Hill(even the skinny one). Also Ice Cube's role as the Captain is hilarious! I must admit that I spent most of the movie looking for Johnny Depp's cameo! Almost thought I had missed it! Of course my darling Johnny never lets me down!(10 minutes on the screen and he steals the show!)

21 Jump Street is definitely worth a watch. So grab a bowl of popcorn and sit back and enjoy the laughs.