Thursday, July 26, 2012

Hot Coffee, A cautionary tale

I like to consider myself somewhat of a jaded individual. Nothing surprises me anymore when it comes to the world we live in and the powers that be. (The "THEY" everyone speaks of) I, like many I'm sure, remember the notorious case where a woman sued McDonalds after being scalded by their hot coffee.(Outrageous I know) It became a national punchline and represented, to me, everything that was wrong with the contemporary legal system. (How ridiculous) After viewing Susan Saladoff's incendiary and eye-opening documentary "Hot Coffee," I realized I wasn't given all the facts. (And that's just the way "THEY" wanted it) The documentary follows 4 individuals (beginning with the infamous hot coffee incident) as they try to access the courts for restitution for the wrongs done to them. (And were they wronged in a BIG way)

Stella Liebeck, a 79 year old, sustained 3rd degree burns(wait until you see the photos)and nearly died from hot coffee that spilled on her upper legs which required numerous skin graphs! (Wow talk about the media leaving out key information) Unfortunately the jury decision for the plaintive caused a national media firestorm. The idea of the case, not the facts, were publicized as a platform for tort reform (procedural limits on the ability to file claims). "Hot Coffee incident" is industry's poster child for “frivolous” lawsuits. McDonald's was smart and kept a low profile due to the fact that they previously had over 700 burn cases involving their hot coffee. (I kid you not)
What is the point of the whole Tort reform? The whole point is to keep us, the public, from accessing the courts! (Say what?) Yes, ALL PUBLIC, no matter if frivolous or honest.

I strongly recommend "Hot Coffee" as an eye-opener for the problems of media misinformation, legislative and judicial manipulation, and citizen disenfranchisement. Watch and then wonder what else you have been lied to about (Scary stuff)

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