Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Just do it!

New ideas. New concepts. New direction. The digital age is upon us! Recently, several of our staff members attended a Library Camp, an unconference. Yes. You read it correctly. "Un" conference. A new idea. A new direction for the meeting world. Interesting. Thought-provoking. A new experience which challenged traditional ideas of what a conference is. It's in the beginning stages, however, what I experienced I liked. The brainstorming. The camaraderie.

We came back excited with lots of ideas to implement for the digital age.

Here's the official definition from Digital Web magazine:
"Everyone who attends an unconference, such as those put together by organizations like BarCamp or BrainJams, is required to participate in some way: to present, to speak on a panel, to show off a project, or just to ask a lot of question."

They usually cost less money and can be done more frequently because of the simpler makeup of the meeting.

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