Monday, July 15, 2013

Let's pretend this never happened

First of all I'd like to say that Jenny Lawson had me on her book cover alone! Who doesn't love a white mouse doing Shakespeare? Her memoir entitled “Let's pretend this never happened made me laugh so hard that I cried. Even as I was laughing, I was thinking, "Should I be laughing at this?”

Let's pretend starts out with hilarious childhood stories that revolve around Jenny's unconventional taxidermist father and kindhearted mother. Most of us did not grow up with dead animal carcasses hanging around the house but Jenny Lawson did and it served many humorous moments. She holds nothing back. She tells of her struggles to get pregnant, of her marriage, of her patient husband, and many other anecdotal incidents along the way. Though this book is written as a humor novel, it is also a tale of a woman who struggles with anxiety disorder which often inhibits her in social situations while providing her a unique strange view of the world.

I could relate to Jenny Lawson in that, like me, she realizes that her experiences in life has made her the unique individual she is and that she wouldn't trade it for anything else. Plus, she also believes in the impending zombie apocalypse! Definitely a woman after my own heart!

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