The story centers on Pi, the son of an
Indian zookeeper, who due to unfortunate events finds his family and
himself on a freighter to Canada. All the animals are on board and
are to be sold once they arrive. A shipwreck later, the boy finds
himself alone on a lifeboat with a tiger, zebra, orangutan and hyena.
The story is told in flashback mode to a reporter.(Normally I don't
care for flashback story-lines) Pi, now a middle-aged man, promises
that by the end of the tale, the reporter will believe in God.
I will not give away any more details,
except that there are two versions of the shipwreck story and you
have to discover which version is believable to yourself. What we do
know is that a young man went on a hero's journey, resolved either by
pure human perseverance and a Darwinian instinct for survival or by
divine intervention. This, in my opinion, is the best part of the
film. Long after the credits have rolled you will keep “Life of Pi”
in your brain and ponder on this fantastic story's message...It makes
no difference what religion you follow, or don't follow for that
matter, as long as you're blessed and find reason for your existence,
NO ONE has the right to tell you otherwise. We should learn to live
and let live and above all never lose hope even when we are pushed to
our weakest points.
So if you want a movie that will not
only make you think, but captivate you visually as well, then be sure
to make a trip to the Warsaw Community Public Library and pick up a
copy of “Life of Pi” and remember to tell them Missy sent you!
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