Hollywood's constant idea of recycling
old successful movies has become irritating(with the exception of Star Trek)
More so than those other remade films,
Red Dawn was a period piece which played into a
specific '80s obsession: “The Cold War”...The Communists are out to
get us! Updating the scenario to the 21
st century, who's the enemy now? Well initially the filmmakers made China the enemy,
but shortly after finishing production realized,
"Oh wait it might not
be such a good idea to tick off China". So after being shelved for 2
years, changes were made to the remake and the bad guys became North Korea. The 1984
ed Dawn was about not backing down and fighting for freedom. 28 years later, we are totally happy to neuter
our super-patriotic movies so as not to offend a country whose money
we want and need.
Because of this (the remake) I didn't buy that it
was guerrilla warfare. It seemed more like either a weekend survivalist
retreat with some poorly staged battle sequences or a fun game of
capture the flag. Even though there are some scenes that try to play
homage to the original, such as the drinking of the deer
blood, they mostly fall flat. When one of the wolverines states their
situation is just like Modern Warfare, I have to disagree. Modern
Warfare is more believable.

Chris Hemsworth as Jed, is likeable but
the rest of the cast lacks the chemistry of the original cast. I idolized the Wolverines of the first movie, they were
fighting for our country. These new wolverines seemed like wannabe
thugs who were given toys and spent most of their time blowing up
And if this wasn't irritating enough
the filmmakers tried to convince us that the youth of America are just
one bad-ass training montage away from becoming guerrilla warriors, a
group that are suppose to stir up a lot of patriotic fervor defending
their homeland. Instead we are shown whiny image-conscious, spoiled
brats.(Like those self-involved kids in horror flicks you take
pleasure in watching die at the hands of the hacksaw
murderer hiding in the woods)
So the best advice I can give you is if you were
around for the first Red Dawn you probably really don't want to waste
your time on this new forgettable one! But if you aren't part of Generation X you might want to consider watching the remake before taking on the original.
I have a sneaking suspicion that the
filmmakers and studio might be wanting to make the film into a
franchise with sequels, due to how the remake ended.
If this is the case may God have mercy on our souls.
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