Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Fifty shades of Twilight

Fifty Shades of Grey

I kept thinking to myself do I-or don't I? Well after talking to people and reading reviews I decided that I must try it! Never have I read a book that had me so interested, yet so disinterested all at the same time. Yes I am afraid that the bad reviews are accurate but nevertheless the good reviews are dead-on as well. How can that be, you ask?  Fifty Shades of Grey should be enjoyed for what it is...pure erotic fluff! As Christian Grey would say “Don't over think this.”

First let me get The "bad" out of the way....the plot – I've seen it countless times, the way it was written - nothing special(borders on a racy romance novel at times) It was repetitive - A LOT, I got so tired of the words blush, flush, gray, gasp, and spank(You almost could predict where it was going and how it was going to end) Anastasia almost reminded me of Bella from Twilight and Christian Grey a little bit like a risque Edward. I could say this story could almost be the NC 17 version of Twilight(sans the wolves and vampires). 

Now let me discuss the “good” part of the book. With the stresses of  every day life  I was quite happy to be able to pick up a book and without having to think too much just sit back and enjoy the fluff.  50 Shades is definitely not a scholarly read.(But then I never expected it to be) And for someone who rarely gets into works of fiction I thought it was entertaining enough to keep me interested to the end.

The story goes like this- clumsy, naive, bookish co-ed meets stunningly attractive rich man who is so taken with said girl that he just has to have her.(And have her he does) Mix quite a bit of stubbornness, gift giving, lip biting, gasping and lots of spanking and a story is born
Let me reiterate that Fifty Shades of Grey will not go down in history as one of the classics, but it will certainly be remembered for all the hullabaloo and supposedly steamy parts (I say supposedly because those parts weren't all that; which has me thinking “What does that say about me?”)

Do I recommend it? If you thought Twilight was a little too tame and wanted more then yes, you will enjoy Fifty Shades of Grey (Otherwise skip it, you're not missing anything)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree with your review. In a lot of ways it was just a romance novel with a little more kinky sex. The writing was atrocious -- so much so that I was hard pressed to finish the book.