Friday, December 21, 2012
Merry Christmas
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
The Odd Life of Timothy Green grows on you
What Timothy Green does best is capture the sadness of infertility, celebrate the eccentricities of an endearing child and probe the longings, fears and worries of parents. It also reminds us of the briefness of childhood and how as parents we all make mistakes. What's more, the movie stresses the importance of family and how one person's life can touch and inspire so many others.
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Eat, Pray, Love

This book is fantastic, especially for me, someone who is beginning my own spiritual journey. I love the way Liz Gilbert explains her experiences and the insights she gained from other peoples words and deeds. I listened to this book on CD and it was read by Gilbert. If you get a chance to do this, I highly recommend it. She has a gift for mimic, not completely recreating the voices of others, but reproducing the ascents and rhythm of their speech, letting us hear what she heard when they spoke. I must have a copy of this book! I know I will reread it many times.
Review by LibraryladyEat Pray Love Tour
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
"I'm never gonna see a Merman"
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Becoming Sister Wives
Thursday, September 6, 2012
It's the middle class Stupid!
Let me say that I was not disappointed in the least! Carville and Greenberg do an excellent job of covering the continuing destruction of the middle class in America. These fellows believe that while the elite(including dems) shy away from "class warfare" most average people understand(Let's hope anyway) that the rich started the war long ago, and that it is finally time to engage the battle! The issues that are raised in this book are critical for America's well being over the next few decades.
Both Carville and Greenberg are discombobulated(I love that word) by the "Rights" obliviousness to reality. They believe the middle class right clearly vote against their own interests by sending right-wing "reformers" to Washington. They also point out that the simple fact is unless the middle class(majority of the people) can afford to buy 'things', we'll never dig out of the hole that "THEY"(Government) put us in.
What I liked most about this book is that these two political strategists deliver the hard facts with very little if any embellishment(And we have seen so much of that these last few months from both sides) They give us hope that our best years are still ahead and that our children and grandchildren will be able to do better than we have!(Here's hoping)
At the end of the day whether you're Right, Left, Middle,(or alien) you should always remember it's the MIDDLE CLASS, not the big corporations and certainly not the billionaires that keeps America going yet we are the ones who are mostly ignored. So go out there and reclaim your American dream(Whatever that may be)
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Luke I am your father!
Thursday, July 26, 2012
Hot Coffee, A cautionary tale

What is the point of the whole Tort reform? The whole point is to keep us, the public, from accessing the courts! (Say what?) Yes, ALL PUBLIC, no matter if frivolous or honest.
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Fifty shades of Twilight
Monday, July 9, 2012
Down on Jump Street

Thursday, June 28, 2012
They should have talked about Kevin!

I've always wondered what happens to the parents of evil people after they've been caught -- what are their lives like in the aftermath? The newspapers never tell you that. This movie sheds some light on it, and it's truly a nightmare straight out of Hell.
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
I Suck at Girls
Friday, June 1, 2012
I really hate self-help books but....
I am certainly glad I did. This is not your typical feel good self help book-- no sugar-coating, no garbage no 10 steps, no goal listing, no mirror looking or soul searching just brutal honesty. From ending your life without committing suicide, to becoming "thin," to dealing with the death of a loved one -- you'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll feel the sting of a wake-up slap across the face. Burroughs is not here to comfort you or tell you that you're ok(Chances are you're not) he's here to tell you like it is, to help you quit whining and build that bridge and get over it! You've got to face the truth, Because, as he says, truth is a force. And the truth of the matter is if your life're probably the main reason it does. Not your mother, father, sister or that high school rival you wanted to slap, but YOU! Now get up, go get that book, change the way you think and behave and then change your life, Augusten is here to be your guide!
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Marriage Plot

Wednesday, May 16, 2012
What are you capable of?
Monday, May 7, 2012
The story of Hachi/Hachiko

Friday, April 27, 2012
Abe Lincoln vampire hunter!
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Girl with the Dragon Tattoo

Investigative journalist Mikael (Daniel Craig) has just lost a libel case for an "unflattering" article he wrote which has put him and his publisher in financial ruin. Mikael is summoned to a meeting with Henrik(Christopher Plummer ), a wealthy businessman, who presents him with the opportunity to investigate the suspected murder of his niece Harriet almost forty years ago. It soon becomes clear that he is in over his head and needs a second pair of eyes to piece together the mystery. Cue Lisbeth(Rooney Mara), a skilled investigator with a personality as unique as her dragon tattoo.
First let me say the opening of the film was a bit unanticipated. The “Immigrant Song” cover by Trent Reznor and Karen O plays over these really fluid visuals that are difficult to describe. As my significant other and I sat down to watch The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo the opening credits baffled us so much so that we weren't really certain what, if any,did it have to do with the movie?
The further we settled into the movie the more we noticed that the movie is extremely dialogue driven. So prepare yourself for a lot of extremely long discussions. The movie does, however keep you engaged while purposefully unfolding the mysteries. To describe this film as dark is putting it mildly. There are a few disturbing scenes that will no doubt make you squirm(they did me). However the flip-side to this is that it's gripping and those scenes pay off in spades later. However director (David Fincher) never glorifies the violence, he simply allows the horror to play out naturally without editing it which in turn forces you to look away (comparable to real life)
I will say that even though the film will take you down a very dark road it is worth the trip. The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo remains a rarity. I would also recommend watching the foreign movie version as well as the foreign novel by Stieg Larsson.
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Last Plea Bargain

The Last Plea Bargain by Randy Singer.
What would happen to the legal system if suddenly every defendant demanded a trial by jury? With over 90% of cases settled by plea bargain agreements, if defendants were no longer willing to work out a deal, it would literally bring the legal system to a halt. This is the scenario Randy Singer presents in his latest legal thriller, The Last Plea Bargain.
Singer has the remarkable ability to integrate spiritual themes and difficult moral issues. He remains neutral in his storytelling, which allows for the reader to better evaluate their own preconceived ideas and perhaps gain a new perspective. In this book, the reader will be challenged on the pro-death penalty stance as well as the justice system itself.
What a great read! Neither myself or my husband could figure out the end. It was a grab your seat legal thriller that was full of twists and turns with plots and mini-plots. If you like mysteries, enjoy a little romance thrown in, and want your sensibilities challenged, this is a great book for you.
Kathy Stutzman